Flash games have come a long way from their roots. There was a time when these kinds of titles were played by those that couldn’t afford a fancy new video card, but now they’ve grown.&hellip

Flash games have come a long way from their roots. There was a time when these kinds of titles were played by those that couldn’t afford a fancy new video card, but now they’ve grown.&hellip
Racing is probably one of the first kinds of games to ever come out onto the PC or on any other console. Barring the First Person game that came out on some of the first&hellip
Racing games are always fun, but as you may know, the latest in the trends often tread in deeper waters. Between the new styles of rendering, and the massive amount of resources they suck, some&hellip
Okay, while adding that car wheel and gas, break, and shift aspect of racing is pretty cool when it comes to games, these accessories are sort of out of date now. Rarely would you see&hellip
Kids love trucks and there’s no real reason why they should. It could be that the loud crashing noises appeal to their sense of fun, or maybe they just enjoy seeing giant trucks crash into&hellip
Whether you’re a cop chasing a perpetrator down a busy intersection or you’re a robber trying to make a getaway, police racing games are truly fun to play. Over the course of gaming history, there&hellip